How to Start My 1BRO Business?

For Provincial Orders:
If you're Outside Metro Manila and find it not possible to travel to go here in our office and buy the Kit to start the Business, as your Sponsor, I can assist you to get your kit. You will just be requested to deposit the Payment to my bank account. Your kit will be delivered to you via LBC.

For International Orders:
If you are living or working abroad, and you know that you have a huge market there, go get your Franchise now. As long as there are Filipinos who uses International SIM (Smart, Globe and Sun), they are you potential markets. To get your kit, it is best advised to have your Philippines representative (family or relatives) to go to the office to meet me and get your kit. If that is not possible, I can send you the package via EMS Padala, LBC, FedEx or whatever courier services that is available to you country. The shippingg charge will still be determined depending on the country destination and the weight of the package.

To All Interested to Become A Dealer
If you will contact me and have me as your SPONSOR, I can guarantee a 101% Full Support, whether you are from Metro Manila or the Provinces. This is a Helping People Business. For me to be able to earn, I should be able to help you earn first. Whether your from Metro Manila or the Province, if you have an inquiry and wants to visit the office to attend the Business Orientation, just contact me and i will be happy to assist you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Advantage of Network Marketing

1. Personal freedom. If you’re spending lots of time in traffic, and working 50-60 hour weeks in your job, starting a network marketing business is by far, the BEST way to get out of the rat-race. The average person spends 348 hours each year commuting. Suddenly with network marketing opportunities, you have those extra hours to regain control of your personal life. Plus, no bosses, no dress code, no set work schedule, and no office politics to maneuver. All you need is personal drive & discipline, and exemplary time-management skills.

2. Keep the money you make. The simple principle is that: the harder you work, the more money you make. With Network Marketing, your earning potential is directly proportional to your performance, so you don’t have to wait for a raise or a promotion. You work harder, and you produce more.

3. Increased opportunities. With so many corporations and industries in a slump, starting your own Network Marketing business enterprise means you can create your own income-producing opportunities. Good job prospects can be scarce in some industries, and promotional opportunities within major companies are also shrinking.

4. More time for family and friends. This is extremely important for parents of kids who’re going to school. You can actually see your kids off to school and on most days be home when they return. Isn’t that a blessing?

5. Scope for professional growth. Being your own boss gives you the chance to wear a lot of hats: strategist, business development manager, sales director, marketing professional, and more. This gives you insight into and experience with all the aspects of running a business, which, in turn, makes you even more successful and marketable.

6. Chance to unleash your Creativity. Launching your network marketing online business can be an opportunity for you to unleash to your passions and hobbies and create a money-generating outlet for your unique and creative talents too.

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