How to Start My 1BRO Business?

For Provincial Orders:
If you're Outside Metro Manila and find it not possible to travel to go here in our office and buy the Kit to start the Business, as your Sponsor, I can assist you to get your kit. You will just be requested to deposit the Payment to my bank account. Your kit will be delivered to you via LBC.

For International Orders:
If you are living or working abroad, and you know that you have a huge market there, go get your Franchise now. As long as there are Filipinos who uses International SIM (Smart, Globe and Sun), they are you potential markets. To get your kit, it is best advised to have your Philippines representative (family or relatives) to go to the office to meet me and get your kit. If that is not possible, I can send you the package via EMS Padala, LBC, FedEx or whatever courier services that is available to you country. The shippingg charge will still be determined depending on the country destination and the weight of the package.

To All Interested to Become A Dealer
If you will contact me and have me as your SPONSOR, I can guarantee a 101% Full Support, whether you are from Metro Manila or the Provinces. This is a Helping People Business. For me to be able to earn, I should be able to help you earn first. Whether your from Metro Manila or the Province, if you have an inquiry and wants to visit the office to attend the Business Orientation, just contact me and i will be happy to assist you.

Be Educated

The Business of the 21st Century

“this is the best investment I have ever made, investing in Network Marketing Companies‘. Warren Buffet, Investor, Top Billionaire.

“I am often asked if Network Marketing is a Pyramid Scheme. My reply is that corporations really are pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below.” Donald Trump, Entrepreneur

“No matter what your product is, you are ultimately in the education business. Your customers need to be constantly educated about the many advantages of doing business with you, trained to use your products more effectively, and taught how to make never-ending improvement in their lives.” Robert G Allen, Entrepreneur, Author, and Motivational Speaker

“To me, the most interesting dimension of network marketing is the focus on building relationships of trust. All parties must be able to trust one another, or nothing moves forward. Accountability, transparency and other high-trust behaviors clearly flow out of your character and competence, which in turn help to improve, solidify and create better relationships. Those relationships are powerful fruits that enable you to enjoy greater collaboration, a better reputation and shared accomplishment. When done well,network marketing is the speed of trust in action.” Stephen M.R. Covey, author of the New York Times bestseller The Speed of Trust

“Network marketing [provides a] purely democratic, highly entrepreneurial, deeply authentic and simple model for successful living. In network marketing, your success or your failure is completely up to you. . . . [In network marketing,] you’re not in the business of simply selling products or a business opportunity, you’re in the transformation business.”        Michael Gerber, author of the New York Times bestseller The E-Myth

“We’re in the midst of a boom in home-based businesses, and it shows no sign of slowing.” Paul Zane Pilzer, Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Author

“Network marketing is based purely on relationship selling, which is the state of the art in selling today. Small and large companies throughout the country and the world are realizing that individuals selling to their friends and associates is the future of sales, because the critical element in buying is trust.” Brian Tracy, author and Motivational Speaker

“What I admire most about the noble profession of network marketing is that one succeeds only by helping others, by adding value to their lives—and for that matter, adding value to the lives of many. I also love the fact that anyone with a big enough desire to better their lot can succeed in the business if they are willing to work hard, and be consistent and persistent. The network marketing model in conjunction with a high-quality product or service presents an unparalleled opportunity for people to thrive. In this economy?Perhaps especially in this economy.” Bob Burg, coauthor of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The Go-Giver

“Network marketing teaches basic, critical life skills. It teaches people how to overcome their fears, how to communicate, and how to handle rejection and maintain persistence. This kind of education is absolutely priceless.Here’s what I tell people: “Even if you don’t like it, stay with it for five years and you’ll be better equipped to survive in the real world of business. And you’ll be a better person.” The people who are successful in network marketing have a spiritual cause. They genuinely want to help better others’ lives. If you don’t have that, if you just want a paycheck, then work for the post office!” Robert Kiyosaki, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad

I believe America’s economic future, the health of its commerce and service, is rooted in effective network marketing. People are sick and tired of the deprivation of human dignity they experience at the hands of so many of today’s corporations, which in the past ten years have scooped up all the quid for the guys on top, leaving behind some very talented people without a future. Network marketing is turning off the spotlight of working for a corporation, and turning on the floodlight of the greatness that we all have within us. I love what you’re doing in network marketing, because you’re creating an opportunity to affect the self-esteem of many, many people. You’re giving people hope and providing a launching pad for them to discover their own greatness. I think network marketing is potentially the greatest economic opportunity that has ever existed.” Frank Maguire, former senior executive for FedEx, KFC, ABC and American Airlines

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